Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 9: Time

Fragment: "... I don't have time to explore, alas"
Font: Dear Joe Script (fun font I had on hand)
Quoted: Professor Alexander Nemerov

So as some have noticed, this is my first time not making the poster of the day by midnight of that day. Busy week, I said.
This quote comes from another Art History Lecture. Nemerov always ends the class a little late. I don't ever see him checking his watch, but the man could say a million words on a painting and still have more knowledge to share. The full quote is about the details of a painting we didn't cover in lecture, which he didn't have time to explore. Alas.
The craziest bit is that a theme of the lecture was paintings that refer in themselves to the act of painting, and in a way, this poster echoes what I feel is a lack of time to explore my every day design challenge.

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