Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 2: Listen, Tutti

Fragment: "You don't understand. I don't exist."
Font: Galaxie Polaris Light
Quoted: Professor Alex Nemerov

I guess I have some pretty inspirational professors, because I the fragment today is from my Art History lecture. Professor Nemerov is a genius speaker; his words are so carefully selected and arranged but they flow out of him in such charging force, because, you can tell, he really loves art. On a side note, he's Diane Arbus' nephew.
This fragment comes from his enactment of what would happen if art history didn't exist, after the Normandy Invasion. (Special thanks to Christina for clarifying <3)

Other considered fragments:
"Imaging is about the instant, the now, the infinitely interchangeable"
 From some sort of tangent about his pets (2 cats, Tutti and Agnus, and a parrot, Jellybean)
"Agnus can watch Jellybean all day"
"Tutti, you have no memory"


  1. Really, really cool project idea (and beautiful designs)! Hope you can add the blogspot followers gadget soon (Design > page elements > add a gadget > followers).

    Best wishes with the project, can't wait to see what you do,


  2. Ah! Ok I'll add it!
    Thanks so much Reuben :)
