Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 3: Advice

Fragment: "Just ask"
Font: Helvetica
Quoted: Jake Eliasberg

I would like to say many words of wisdom come from Jake Eliasberg... though perhaps it would be more accurate to say that many words come out of him, and a some wise ones just happen slip out.

I pulled this quote from a gchat with Jake, about drum sets.

Here's your first quote, Jake. Hope there's many more to come :) Coincidentally, I'm wearing my "Jake Eliasberg Fan Club" t-shirt today.

Design talk: 
-The template had to change! The standard blurb position has been covered by the dot. (Looks awkward in white. I tried it.)
-The question mark is actually not pure Helvetica. The dot has been moved up.
-Posters seem to look better with a little gray on them, thanks to the frame blogger puts around them. I think that's what makes this poster weaker.
-This poster is subconsciously inspired by Michael Beirut posters for the School of Architecture.
-The project as a whole is inspired by Beirut's Workshop, 100 Day Project. (Read up on that here!)

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